How is it November? I’m not sure about you but I really don’t know where this year has gone.

November marks the end of our year and gives us the chance to look back on what we have achieved over the past 12 months and how we have achieved it. Our focus this year, as always, has been on the amazing training we provide, we are so proud to have trained over 1850 people and delivered 267 courses!

All of these people now have the skills and confidence to help save a life.

We love that you chose us, and we are proud to be part of your First Aid journey. While delivering this training is at the heart of our mission, we like to look beyond this training to the people we train and the relationships we have built. Our organisation was based on working in partnership with others and this has such a wide range from the team at Barnardo’s through to the clients who return to us for their training.

Our relationship with Barnardo’s is special to us and really shows how our training can impact those who normally would be the furthest from accessing first aid training. Working with the teams at family centres in Stevenage has enabled us to deliver a train the trainer programme in first aid to the family workers. They in turn deliver this training directly to the families they work with, which helps to build their skills and trust too.

Charity partnerships are also at the centre of what we do. We offer discounted rates to local charities to ensure that our training is accessible to their team, volunteers and beneficiaries. We have always been passionate about working with the charity sector as we share the same ethos and we have found amazing working partnerships with organisations like The CHS Group, Shakespeare’s Globe and The National Trust.

We have some fantastic clients who recognise how good our training is, how this training impacts on their team whilst also seeing the social value of working with us. We have partnerships big and small both within the corporate sector and the education sector too. By using ABC Life Support to provide their training, you know you are helping us to facilitate subsidised training for local charities. If you are one of those clients – thank you.