It’s getting into holiday season as while the weather is lovely here, getting away from the day to day, the to do lists, the school runs, the demands of work and the constant juggle is so good for us in so many ways. We are inundated with information from so many sources and life can sometimes feel overwhelming; it feels like we are busier than ever so these times away are important in so many ways.

We all need something to look forward to, just booking a week off can give you a sense of positivity and you can start counting down the days. Without this time away it is easy to become run down and demotivated but having time away from work can give you time to reflect and hopefully become remotivated.

What does a holiday look like to you? Cycling around the Pyrenees? Sorting out the garden at home? A week in Filey? A staycation? Is that even a thing? 

We all have a different way to spend our time away from work. While we may be able to afford to travel to the Maldives, time at home can be equally as impactful.

From a mental health perspective, burnout can be the beginning of a deteriorating Mental Health.  

The common signs of burnout:

  • Feeling tired or drained most of the time
  • Feeling helpless, trapped and/or defeated
  • Feeling detached/alone in the world
  • Having a cynical/negative outlook
  • Self-doubt
  • Procrastinating and taking longer to get things done
  • Feeling overwhelmed

Source: Mental Health UK

Did you know that 36% of UK employees don’t use their full annual leave allowance?

48% of those surveyed felt they needed to check emails while they were away, with 46% actually worked whilst they were away.

(Statistics taken from research from British Airways Holidays & YouGov – interesting that the survey was from a holiday company!)

Do you worry that you have to have everything ready before you go?

This can make getting away more stressful but don’t let that put you off! Get your handover ready weeks in advance so you’re not rushing around at the last minute to get everything straight. Believe it or not, the world will carry on revolving without you!

Does your organisation encourage time off?

Back in the 90’s, I remember taking time off being frowned upon, especially at the beginning of the year when it was all about hitting your targets. Thankfully many organisations have moved away from this type of culture and have recognised the value of time off from work.

Encouraging time off can improve the productivity, engagement and loyalty of your team. Knowing that an organisation values you and your commitment can make a huge difference to the longevity of each employees’ tenure.

So, if you haven’t got a week booked in, why not do it now? If you work for yourself, if you can, why not take a wellbeing week? It really is the best medicine.