Making Health and Wellbeing A Core Value
Health and Safety should be at the very core of every organisation. The Health and Safety Act of 1974 states that it is an employer’s responsibility to ensure that every member of staff is safe and well and this includes mental health. Here at ABC Life Support we understand how complex this can be and can offer you a full support package to help you achieve this goal.
If your business or organisation wants to facilitate a proactive approach to mental health first aid training, we are a one-stop shop consultancy that can help you achieve your wellbeing goals. By improving your approach to wellbeing in the workplace, we can help you create a positive, thriving work culture.

The Consultancy Service
We offer a consultancy service where you can explore what you have, what you need and how to make it happen. We can provide a friendly ear or deliver a fully bespoke package of implementation. Some of the services we can provide are:
- Audits to find out where you stand now
- Guidance in regards to what you have versus what is required
- Strategy design and implementation
- Support and Training
- Physical First Aid Training
- Mental Health First Aid Training
For further information please contact us now.
Why Partner With ABC Life Support?
At ABC Life Support, we believe wellbeing is not just a tick-boxing exercise. We can help you get the basics right whilst also pushing for an adaptable company culture that works around the challenges and changes of mental health in the workplace.
We want to work alongside businesses and organisations that believe mental health awareness and first aid is an ongoing process, rather than a pit stop. We can offer clarity and help you utilise tactics that work for your employees and business.
We are a social enterprise, meaning all our profits go back into offering better first aid training for more people.
Arrange a Free Consultation
To arrange a free consultation with a friendly member of our ABC Life Support team contact us today.