When you see the option to attend a blended learning course, what is the first thing that goes through your mind? Do you think it will be difficult? Too much home study? Do you not really like computers? How much of your personal time will be taken up by it?

Those are a few of the questions that we are asked here at ABC HQ so we wanted to break it down to see if this is indeed an option for you.

Basically, blended learning is just that, blended. It is an approach to learning and education that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional classroom-based training or learning methods.

Our 12 Hour Paediatric first aid course is traditionally held over two days which require a learning to attend both full days in the classroom. From this year we are actively offering a blended learning option with one part of the course to be completed at home, at your own pace and the final 6 hours to be conducted face to face in the classroom.

We have had some great feedback from our users regarding the blended course and its content but with everything in life, it is not one size fits all. There are always pro’s and cons and to that end, you will be glad to hear that we offer both types of course to suit you and your way of learning.


  • Only one day in the classroom
  • Go at your own pace
  • 24 hour access to the course content – log on and go!


  • If you are in a school environment you may not want to have to do this in your own time.
  • Motivation for some could be a problem
  • You need a basic understanding of how to use technology
  • It’s your responsibility to get the work done in a timely fashion (could be an advantage for some!)

Whichever method of learning you prefer, blended learning is here to stay. We here have to move with the times, but we will do this alongside you and your preferences. To find out which courses we are running, check out our Paediatric First Aid course dates.

Remember if you run a setting, we can offer this to your learners and come to you for just one day which can reduce your training costs. Get in touch to find out more.